Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Final background

Afterwards I added some bits of grass on and made it so that the clouds are not all on the same level. It looked like a good enough background to me then so I kept it like that for the final one.

Background 3

This background was the 3d background that I tried out. The trees looked better than they were at the very start. The sun didn't look too good in this background so I decided to change it.

Background 2

This is the 2nd background that I did. Having seen other people's work with photo images combined with the cartoons, I decided to see how it would look. After looking at the result I thought that I was better off keeping it without any photo added in.

Tree Research

These are some pictures that I was looking at when doing research for how the palm tree would look. There were more ways that the trees could be done than I thought which was interesting to see.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Background 1

This is the very first background that I did. I wanted to do a background with a hot weather look because with winter here, I was missing and still am missing the hot sun out. It was what was in my mind more. I chose to do palm trees the simplest and easiest way I could.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Walk outlines

This picture shows all the outlines for the walk put together. Again here it also made a bit of a curving line at the top like the reference showed.

Run outlines

This picture shows all the outlines of the boy character put together and like in the reference used, it did make a curving line

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Shape hints

This is a test I did for using shape hints. I was comparing how words transformed from one word to another (using shape tweening) with and without shape hints. This test also used a mask in.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Tutorial screen shot

This is a quick screen shot of the tutorial that I used to do the outlines of my drawings I did

Digitalizing process

Each of the pictures that I drew were to be made digital. To do this, I took photos of every drawing I did and then I followed an online tutorial which taught me how to create your own vector cartoon character from your own hand drawn sketch. (http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/tutorials/how-to-create-your-own-cartoon-character)
The process was long but the final result tuned out good. After I had drawn the outlines using Adobe Illustrator, I copied and pasted them into flash and added the colour on from there. After doing this to all 17 drawings, I did had to start putting them in the right posistions to createa run and walk cycle. 

Boy drawing

This pictures shows a boy character I chose. There were 17 drawings that I did on animation paper altogether. I liked the pictures. They made up a walk cycle and a run cycle.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Book references

These are the two book references that I looked at for the animation. I used the Preston Blair reference out of the two because I thought that Richard William's Animator's survival kit reference had too little drawings in. Preston Blair's Reference would help me get a more smooth running animation.


This is a moodboard which I did showing a load of pictures put together. The pictures show the different ways in which a person can walk or run in. The character I did could have been walking or running in different styles. It could have been a lazy walk that I did. How the character's hand moves is also another thing to think about. A character's head does not have to be in the same direction all the time but I wanted mine to be nice and simple so I kept it in the same direction.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Hat Research

This is a picture that I looked for when I was searching for the kinds of hats that I wanted my character to wear. It was obvious that the boy's hat should be like a sports cap to make him look good when he was running. Even if the boy was walking, the boy would look better in a small simple cap.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Boy cartoons

These are some pictures of boys I found on the internet. They were giving me some ideas of how I could do my character. I noticed that most of them had one shade of blue on at least. Blue is a boy colour after all.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Cartoon girl drawing

This picture is a drawing I did from the reference of Preston Blair's book. The thing which stopped me from doing a girl for my character was the fact that there was no many references to how the dress of the character would move when she would be walking or running. A lot of the references found show a boy character or a male. It also seemed to be the easier choice.

Child cartoon girl reference

At the very beginning of my project, I looked at Preston Blair's book called Cartoon Animation. I wanted to do a girl for my character. This was a picture I really liked. It was nice and cute.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Masking test

This is a small test I did for how to use the mask tool. Its a photo of my cousin who has her birthday 1 day earlier than me.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Stickman walk

This is a stickman walk I did. I wanted to try doing something different to a normal walk cycle